Straight To Hell

What does that really mean, anyway?  We hear this phrase often, sometimes in the form of an order (You go straight.....) sometimes said in a mocking, humorous description of our own behavior.  And I've been known to do this - recently even.

But really - straight to hell?

I understand the road is paved with good intentions.  But how do we know it is a straight road?

And conversely, is the road to heaven straight?  If so, why don't we ever hear about going "straight to heaven"?  I imagine that road might be filled with corners and curves and perhaps even some detours. (Yes, we do hear about the "straight and narrow" way to heaven, but understanding the nature of Deity, I think He accepts some diverging - accompanied of course, with repentance.)

As I think this through I'm guessing that going straight to hell means straight.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200, just pass right through those wrought iron gates sentried with the horned demons and burst into flame.

Not something to aspire to.  And perhaps I shouldn't joke about it.  Still, though, I have been wondering.  And maybe there's a reason I'm not fond of the heat.  Maybe I should work harder to stay out of hell.

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