Wildlife & Quote

Back in January I was on one of my early morning walks.  Got to the end of the trail, turned around, and not 20 feet away was this amazing fox.  Since I had this new (to me) phone - it took me several minutes to fumble it out of my pocket, find the camera, figure out how to work it and actually snap the picture.  In the meantime, Mr. Fox was wending his way from me.  So glad I got this picture.  It was the last time I've seen any foxes on the trail.

Pursuing my goal of unexpectedness, this morning's walk was in a different direction.  Decided to head north on the trail.  Went about a block, looked over to the left and there in the field were about 4 deer.  This particular one was the closest and I swear he was posing for his picture.  He stood there still as could be.  I snapped this shot with my phone, people passed and still he stood there.  Looks almost fake.  But they were so pretty grazing there in the cheat grass.

Thought a lot today about hope and wonder and worth and goals.  (Did some hand-work so I had some time to think.)  And I came across this quote:

"Being challenged in life is inevitable.  Being defeated is optional."  (Roger Crawford)  Been feeling particularly low about a couple things.  Needed this reminder.  I refuse to be defeated by certain things.

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