Betrayal and Wonder

With my genetic heritage it's a given I'm going to be fat.  In my younger, thinner (less wise) years, I thought (unfairly I now know) that people who were fat were that way because they just didn't care.  I followed the common "just eat less, exercise more and you'll lose weight" line of thinking.  Little did I know.  That's one of those things over which we have little - or no - control.

When The Husband decided to do Atkins, I threw my lot in with his and after much longer than it took him, I managed (with lots more effort, and absolutely no fun) to drop 30 pounds.  Then I broke my arm and because I couldn't really exercise (or prepare meals properly) promptly gained 10 pounds back.  Over the ensuing roughly 6 years and several vacations filled with wanton eating (it's a vacation for Pete's sake!), I managed to put another 10 pounds back on. Still (I rationalized) I'm down 10 pounds from my peak and that's a good thing, right?

I more fully understand betrayal now.  My body has betrayed me.  I have some extra plumpness around my middle and absolutely no idea where it came from.  I have a couple "handles" on my back above my waist- and what does my back think it needs those "handles" for?  I now have a larger-than-life turkey wattle under my chin that waggles to and fro (I try to not shake my head with much vigor, afraid of the results).   And I've previously discussed those upper arm dangles/flaps that cause me to always head straight for the longer, looser sleeves.  (I'd love to go shopping and find clothes that fit my circumference AND my height.  I'm tired of sleeves that hang down to my knees.)

And now, I'm wondering....Does heaven have weight restrictions?  Are there fat people in heaven?  And if there are, will Heavenly Father  love me in the hereafter if I'm still fat?

And if there aren't fat people in heaven, if everyone is at their optimum slenderness, will Heavenly Father recognize me as a skinny person and let me in?  And if I'm skinny only in heaven and not here, does that mean He will love me one place and not the other?

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