Just Can't

Went shopping today to one of my favorite shops.  Tried really hard to spend some money.  Just couldn't bring myself to do it.  There's not anything I really need, lots of things I'd like, and almost nothing out there worth the high price it costs.

Then went to Target - bought 2 birthday cards, some kitchen sponges, a replacement colander ($3) and a tube of lipstick.  Tried hard to buy something really frivolous, just couldn't.

Went to Ulta- a store filled with total luxury items.  Used my 20% off coupon to refresh my hairspray supply - NOT a luxury, but a necessity with this thin, baby-fine hair of mine.  Still....didn't spend much.

Couldn't bring myself to stop for some lunch (there's food at home).  Couldn't even spend much at the grocery.

Came home and brought in the mail.  This time of year the mailbox is full of catalogs full of pretties.  Got a mild case of the "wants", decided there was nothing I needed and tossed the lot of them.

The Husband always tells me to buy what I want, to bring home something frivolous and fun.  I rarely do, most of the time I don't.  I just can't bring myself to spend the money. And maybe that's why He says that - he knows:  I just can't.


  1. It's a thrill to The Husband when you actually do find something fun and frivilous — and spend some of that money! Remember, The Husband said that one sign of a life well-lived is one where the last penny of the Chillun’s inheritance is spent just as we pass into the next life!

  2. my mom went through the garbage cans to make sure we didn't throw anything useful away. we grew up with frugality!

    a big splurge for me is replacing makeup or getting an overdue haircut.
