
So, our road has been at the roadbase level for over a week now.  Yesterday we were informed even the roadbase was bad; they're removing it 15" down, filling it in and when that is done we'll have new pavement.  It will take another 5 days or so.

This morning's efforts were expended in the front of our driveway - no getting our cars through that crater.

So I spent the bulk of the day at home.  Being a homebody you'd think I'd love that (and I sort of did).  But it's funny how the enforced boundary made me anxious to get out and about.  Even though I spent most of yesterday doing just that, today I was ready to get out again.

Since I don't really care to shop,  really dislike spending money, was heading out this evening and didn't need anything from the grocery there wasn't any reason for me to go anywhere.

But knowing that I couldn't made me want to.

I wasn't rebellious as a young'un.  Could I be having that rebellious stage now?

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