
Opted to refrain from movie attendance today: good decision for today, maybe not so good next week when we'll have more movies to see and we'll be feeling behind.  Perhaps it's time to try out the Redbox - or Netflix?

Opted to run a couple errands, including taking some of those fabulous Nashi pears to our son, then opted to take him for lunch.  Way fun.

Opted to enjoy the heated seats (and steering wheel) in the Charger.

Opted to remember how much I loved yesterday's sunrise walk on the trail - even though I'm suffering today with that danged sore knee.  I fear I'll be opting for the treadmill and the elliptical in the basement for at least a month until I can really get this knee strong and well again.

(As to yesterday's morning walk - loved seeing those 5 deer bounding across the field, stopping at the trail to carefully look both ways before crossing, bounding up the hill, then stopping again at the upper trail to look carefully both ways again before crossing and bounding further on up the hill!)

Opted to savor every minute spent holding The Husband's hand - one of my favorite activities.

Opted to leave the furnaces off yet another day - trying hard to save some of those hard-earned $ before we have to have the heat on full-time.  Not quite ready for that.  Opted, then, to be grateful for the two fireplaces that spring into full-flame at the touch of a finger and warm the rooms quite nicely.

Opted to enjoy the chocolate frosted chocolate cake confection The Husband so sweetly snuck into the grocery cart.  Saving the last one for tomorrow.

Opted to share this great article from the newspaper.  I'm not a huge fan of the authors, but this particular article was worth reading, and sharing, and sharing again.

Why serendipity is better than control | Deseret News

Opted to end the day with a heavenward plea to have the right Spirit about me, to have my heart in the right place and to be kind to others (even those who might not, IMHO deserve it).

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