Today's Downs and Ups

I'm the one who always wants the bad news first.  I never did understand why the good first - then you get the bad news last and you're left down in the dumps instead of up with optimism!.

So...the down:  Only finding one pair of jeans for The Husband.  Still coughing.  And being stunned by the lady behind me in line at Kohl's telling the checker she wants my 30% off instead of her own 20%.  (I really found this pretty gutty!)

The Ups:  Being taken to lunch by my Sweetie, and getting a couple of free meals at Cafe Rio.  Finding a pair of jeans for The Husband and managing to get them for roughly 70% off.  Finding just the right Christmas thing for the ladies I visit teach - and getting them for about 60% off.  (I really hate spending money but love, love, love getting a good deal, which doesn't happen often enough.)

And the best UP of the day:  coming home and getting into comfy clothes, having stuff for dinner that requires minimal preparation and getting a huge hug.

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