Sewing / Luxury / Contentment

I just barely finished my last Christmas sewing project.  A trip to the laundromat tomorrow morning, a couple quick stops on the way home and I will officially be finished with the Christmas gifting.

I have so loved doing these little gifts.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy sewing, and how much I enjoy my sewing machine.  No, it isn't a Bernina or Pfaff with all the bells and whistles.  It's a little 3/4 size machine I chose that has been a gift all by itself.

I have a couple other ideas I want to do - some embroidery projects, finish up a couple cross-stitch designs I've got ready to go and a couple small quilts I want to do.  Perhaps I'll find a way to maintain my momentum and continue this fulfilling past-time.

What a luxury life (in lots of respects) that I lead:  I get to spend my days and nights with The Husband, I don't have to work outside the home, there is enough for us to live on without an additional salary.

We don't lead extravagant lives and I will have to occasionally do a mental head slap to whip myself back into shape when I look at someone and think it would be nice to travel for leisure they way they do, or shop the expensive clothing stores they shop at, or drive the expensive cars they do.  But I'm content.  And I still believe that is the way our Heavenly Father prefers us to be - not always wanting, wanting, wanting.  (It's just stuff anyway.  Just stuff.  Stuff to maintain, to clean, to insure - just stuff!)

So, I'll do my sewing and enjoy it, and love being here with My Love, and be grateful.

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