Routine / Fun

I'm pretty much a creature of routine.  Haven't yet figured out if this is due to my nature or the way I was raised; most likely a combination of both.  It is laundry on Tuesday and Friday, clean sheets on Saturday, vacuuming on Wednesday and the weekend, handle bills on payday...definitely a structure to my life.

There was no money in my youth for those extras that are such an essential part of today's children's lives:  soccer, basketball, dance, craft classes, sewing classes.  At least that was the reason given us:  no money.  (As I age I'm fairly certain an underlying factor was that my Mom just didn't want to be inconvenienced.)  Whatever...we had no access to anything like that.

So I learned to find enjoyment from solitary pursuits:  reading, needlework, walks, riding my bike.  I discovered ways to entertain myself that didn't require anyone else and I've been pretty content with that.  Consequently, I don't think I really learned how to have FUN!

I always admired those mothers who created fun and joy in everyday experiences:  seeing elves fly past at Christmastime, leaving fairies around to watch the chilluns, excursions to enrich (we've not really had the cash for this kind of thing).  I wish I'd had the creativity to provide that kind of fun for my children. the advanced age of 60 I find myself wishing for more fun!  We've (particularly The Husband)  spent our marriage working.  The Husband is a beautiful example of persistent providing through His hard work.  And I keep thinking:  it's time for some fun.  I don't want this life to end without having had some wonderful fun memories.

So, I'm looking for fun.  Is there a class that teaches one how to have fun?  Where can I find it?  Think I'm too old for fun?  Definitely not - and I'm ready for more.


  1. Go on a mission, it's fun! And exhausting. And scary. And fabulous. And definitely takes you out of your confort zone! (Some people think that's fun)

  2. Yes - that is our hope and our plan. We just have to wait a few years before we'll be able to retire!
