
Been thinking a lot about this lately.  Service is a good thing.  Heavenly Father wants us to serve.  However....I've been thinking about how He wants us to serve.  There are lots of reasons to serve (and good reasons):  to be obedient, to enrich lives, to further the purposes of God on the earth, just to name a few.

However, I've begun to think there is service done for the wrong reasons that accomplishes little to nothing.  I've known well-meaning people to go around "doing good" in the guise of service in ways that only salve their own ego and end up basically removing the agency of those served.

None of us has the right to take away another's choice. We should never force our will on another ("Plan B" as The Husband is wont to say) nor should we try to guilt another into doing what we think they should so as to have things turn out the way we want them to (or think they should).

I've also been thinking a lot about those who quietly go about being considerate of another, working hard to make sure their own lives are in harmony with He Who Matters and who don't "toot their own horn."  Those are the ones I call living on the side of the angels.

I know where I'd like to be.  I know I fall so very short of it.  Maybe that means I'm walking the middle line somewhere between the side of the angels and the side of he who rules Plan B.  This is one instance I'm thinking the middle road isn't a very good place to be.

I wonder if I could find an angel willing to take on this severely service-challenged soul and guide me down the right side of the straight and narrow.  I'll look for one.

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