Valentine's Day

So....we haven't ever really celebrated this day.  I, personally, am not big on compulsory, requisite, or expected displays of affection in any form.  I think The Husband feels pretty much the same way.  (And for the record, he treats me like a Goddess pretty much every day so there's little to improve on there.  I am blessed by His presence in my life!)

Today, some friends of ours were available, so we headed out for lunch (figuring, correctly I'm sure, that dinner out tonight might be over-reaching the realms of possibility).  After a leisurely lunch at a wonderful - though pricey (it was a treat/splurge) restaurant, we were heading home and stopped off at the bowling alley.

Now, none of us are superb bowlers, quite casual in our approach in fact.  But I am here to say that 3:00 p.m. on a weekday is the perfect time to go bowling.  We asked for (and were given) a lane off away from the other bowlers so we could embarrass ourselves only in front of each other.  And...the one who was the least anxious to do this, came away with the best score.  I'm so pleased that she "won." Her husband came in second, then me, and then My Love (for those interested in the final tally.) The Husband and I didn't even break 100 (although I came in at 96 - the worst score in many many moons - and SO not up to my Wii bowling prowess standards!)

But, the take-home lesson:  60 years of age is not too old to bowl.  It is not too old to have fun.  And an advantage of being this age is that when the whim strikes, even in the middle of the afternoon, we're not too old to seize the moment and thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

And now - the next time The Husband is out of town, I know just where to go in the afternoon for some fun!  Wanna come?

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