Munchie and Movie

Yesterday I had a craving for one of the deli salads from our favorite grocery.  So I ran over and not only bought the salad to satisfy my craving, but also got something out of the ordinary for The Husband's lunch.  After applying my salad to a plate, I closed up the container to save the rest for later and noticed the label said,"corn dog" $0.99.  Now I'm feeling guilty - I think that size container of salad runs about $3.50.  It was too late to go back to the store.  Wonder if I should head to confession? (Bless me for I have sinned, I ate something I really didn't pay for.)  (I did enjoy it, though!)

We headed to the movie today for the first time in a couple weeks.  Saw The Hunger Games.  I wasn't sure I wanted to see it, I had such a gut-level negative reaction to the book.  But The Husband wanted to see it, and he liked it.  Still don't like the basic premise.  Still not fond of the current trend of books / movies set in a dystopian society.  But, it was a movie that grabbed you from the first and didn't let go, even when / if you knew what was going to happen.  Now, I guess I really have to finish reading the other two books in the series.  I sure hope it ends well - I'm definitely in the "must have a happy ending" camp.

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