Wednesdays Wanderings

Today's post will be just a conglomeration of my thoughts - sort of stream of conscious, wide ranging thoughts just the way they occur to me.  (Not a very deep thinker....)

- Went to lunch yesterday with 9 other ladies.  Was very surprised to see all but one pay with cash.  Thought I was the only "old-school" payer these days.

- Stopped by a friend's, her front garden was a profusion of yellow and purple crocus welcoming the sun, saying "Yippee! It's spring!"

- Don't consider myself a rebel, but sometimes I almost wish I was....for instance when someone is driving really close behind me (oh, yes, there's that name for it "tailgating"!)  and I'm already going the speed limit.  Makes me want to s-l-o-w down as much as possible.

- We turned the bedroom side of the house furnace off the other day.  Loving the absence of it running.  Also the $ I think we're saving by not having it on.  Great time of year.

- Was grateful this morning that I walked with only one iPod earbud in.  Made it possible to hear the meadowlarks.  Haven't heard their song in awhile.  Grand way to start the day.

- Looking forward to tomorrow after we visit our friendly tax preparer.  The botheration will be the visit.  The reward will be the after, The Husband is proposing lunch out.  It will be tamale Thursday at Cafe Rio (and I still have some money left on a gift card!)  The best reward will be the lunch out with My Love.

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