
Holding my breath for the shelves to actually be delivered/installed tomorrow.  When we wrote the check  to get the job going, we were told three weeks to completion.  That was 9 (yes, NINE) weeks ago.  (I'm being given lots of opportunities to work on that patience thing!)

The Husband so graciously needed a break from work just about the time for dinner so we satisfied my craving for a 5 Guys burger.  Wasn't going to get fries.  Got fries anyway.  So happy we got fries.  They were the absolute best fries we've had in awhile.  (And love their fry sauce!  But if you're going to a 5 Guys in South Carolina, don't ask for fry sauce:  they don't know what it is.)  Even though I had to chew on only one side of my mouth, it was truly comfort food.

And I'm starting to feel better.  Most of the pain is gone.  And I can almost yawn without trying to do it gently.  Have you ever tried to yawn gently?  It's not so easy!  Hoping that tomorrow I'll feel like....ME!

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