Surgery and Trees

Took The Husband in for surgical removal of one of his wisdom teeth.  He's doing fantabulous!  Been married for 41 years and I don't remember him ever having anesthesia, was concerned about how he'd do.  As usual, he does everything well.  (Although in the car on the way home, he told me the same thing over a couple of times, not remembering that I was there in the office for the original discussion.)

22 months ago my Mom died.  Coincidentally we planted a tree that weekend in our yard.  A Hawthorne tree.  I so love them.  I've sweet-talked the tree, cooed over it, petted it and in general urged it to be a survivor.  Discovered this morning the tree is in full bloom!  It is so beautiful.  (If The Husband were feeling better, I'd take a picture of the blooms and post them - nothing in the world like them.  But technically challenged as I am, it must wait.)

So, while I'm not fond of surgery (and my own recent oral surgery is still mighty fresh in my mind) I'm very fond of blooming things.  We are predicted to wake up tomorrow morning to snow - in the meantime, I'm reveling in the blooms on the trees and enjoying the view from our windows of deciduous trees covered in leaves after months of barren branches.  Heavenly Father surely knew we would love the springtime.

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