
I've had a few thoughts today:

- Wondered why that woman driving the rental moving van was wearing the blue gloves (like you see at the airport).

- Wondered also what another driver was thinking as she was driving one-handed (eating) while she cruised right through the red light (totally illegally)? (I wonder if her guardian angel gets overtime?)

- Wondered how they manage to pack the napkins so tight in the package that when you open the plastic the napkins practically explode. (Picture 52 card pick-up!)

- Wished we knew what this was all about:  sitting on the back patio, during a breath in the conversation hearing a young girl off in the distance yell, "Yeehaw!" (Made us chuckle.)

- Felt grateful for the new patio.  (Disappointed in a few hairline cracks, don't know if there's a remedy, wonder if we wasted our hard-earned cash, but still enjoying the new, more comfortable, useable space.)

- Wondered if I use too many parentheses? (I like them.)

- Wondered if today families across the country discussed as we did the amazing sacrifice of those soldiers and others in the military who we remember and honor on this Memorial Day.

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