Friday - Revisited

Remembered a couple things I wanted to remember about yesterday.

- Received an additional lesson in generosity.  Our across-the-street neighbor stopped by when she was riding her bike with her grandson.  During our conversation it came up that The Daughters (both of them) couldn't go on our morning bike ride because we didn't have enough bikes. (And how many bicycles are in our garage could be a whole different topic of discussion!)

Her instant, immediate, sincere reaction was to offer her bike for either one of them to ride.  Heartfelt, genuine kindness.  Rare.

She has a nice bike, only got it last year.  Probably has less than 75 miles on it.  And yet, there she was, offering it to two people she had barely been introduced to.  Another way for me to improve.

- I'll long remember the sight of The Daughters (both of them) in my rearview mirror, sitting in the back seat as we drove home from dinner.  Texting (yes, to each other) and talking (yes, to each other) while simultaneously talking to me and the Granddaughter, giggling all the while.

- And just saying....strawberries are better at room temperature.  (They keep better in the fridge, especially when we've acquired one of those ginormous Costco boxes that are impossible to eat in the ten minutes the berries stay fresh once they've arrived home. But taste better at room temperature.)

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