Friday That Felt Like Saturday...

Because The Husband took the day off.  What fun for us.  And it's good for him to have an extra day off on occasion.

- We took a fairly early morning bike ride with 3 of our grandchildren.  Did a bit over 9 miles.  Too dusty to finish off the southern portion of the trail by the cement plant with all the wind blowing sand and dirt from trucks traversing the hillside.  Still fun.  Had to chase a couple escaping water bottles, but all in all a successful ride:  no spills, falls or injuries.  Yay!

- Breakfast at Kneaders.  All you can eat cinnamon french toast for $4.99.  And when they brought our order from the kitchen calling out the name we'd given (Marco) we responded with a resounding "Polo" and got a laugh.

-The afternoon was filled with washing a couple cars (even waxed one), relaxation (i.e. naps for a select few), dominoes, Wii, computer games, iPads and iPods.

- Dinner at a new restaurant.  (Even carefully perusing and choosing from the menu doesn't guarantee the dreaded onions won't be lurking in your entree. Thankfully there was a stop on the way home for some parsley that really does wonders at mitigating the misery from munching those onions.)

- Have noticed twice in the last 24 hours people driving with no hands:  using the cellphone with one hand and eating with the other.  However do they stay in their lane?  Or do we have a bunch of 3 handed people living in Utah?

- We were able to spend just a few quick (dinner-interrupting) minutes wishing a Granddaughter happy 12th birthday.  She's growing so fast.  Hope she likes the sleeping bag we got her (we tried to get a good'un), she'll need it for girls camp.

- And now it's o-dark-o'clock and everyone has headed to bed.  In spite of the fact we didn't run everyone ragged, I think they're all tired.  Sweet dreams.

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