
I've never been rebellious by nature.  As I age, though, I'm discovering that obedience to Heavenly Father and obedience (for any number of reasons:  laziness, avoidance of confrontation, accommodation, love for others- this list is not all inclusive) to peers or other people are two different things.  I really only need to be obedient to Heavenly Father.

I've long been a proponent of panty-hose (or socks, whatever) in the chapel on Sundays.  For me, it is an indication of respect, an attitude of reverence for the sacredness of the meeting and room where we worship.  Bare toes somehow seem disrespectful.  Last Sunday I caught a couple people looking at my hose clad toes peeking through my sandals, their thoughts scrolling across their faces:  she doesn't have to do that, her toes are polished (sparkly even), why is she so overdressed?

This Sunday is projected to be 99 degrees.  I'll be leading the singing time in Jr. Primary.  I'll be moving around.  I'll likely be working up to being "hot."

My dilemma:  whether to be rebellious - as fits my mood - and go bare-toed or follow my conservative bent and wear hose.  And does it really matter? (Heavenly Father intimately knows my heart, doesn't he?)

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