I'm Thinking Early Today

Noticed a guy walking his dog ahead of me on the trail this morning.  I was walking faster, so I was "dogging" their heels in a short time, causing some consternation with the dog who thought he'd found a new friend and kept turning around to give me his attention.  Since he is a great dane, his owner/master had a hard time controlling him every time the dog would turn around and wait for me to come play with him.  His back was at my waist height.  And even though he was a very friendly dog, I was grateful his (yes, a very tall man) owner kept a good grip on his leash.  If he'd run to me and put his paws on my shoulders to greet me - as has actually happened to me in the past - he would have knocked me to the ground.  Too bad I couldn't get to my phone in time to take a picture.

But I did get this one.  Yes, I know these sunflowers are the weed kind.  But how can you look at this field of yellow and not get a smile on your face?  It was a much happier sight than the picture indicates.

And I read this quote first thing this morning, and loved it.  Good words to live by, and thanks, Ben for your wisdom.

"The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity."  --Benjamin Franklin

We'll be heading to bed early because of our early a.m. flight.  I'm still praying for good weather, it has been looking pretty iffy.  Still, though, I'm anticipating with pleasure the beach, the hush puppies, the fresh seafood, the bbq  - seems like a lot in there about food, but the beach is still number 1 on the list of enjoyments!

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