My Silliness

In a bit we'll be heading out for our week at the beach.  Along about this time - a week or so before a trip - I always start to get a little crazy-silly in my head.

I'm a natural worrier.  Yes, I understand that it is a counterproductive trait, accomplishes next to nothing and isn't becoming.  Still, that's the way I came, that's who I am.  I try to keep the worrying in check, try to keep it to myself  - try not to be obvious about it.  (And yes, I've managed to garner a bit of ribbing-criticism from others for this very thing.  I'm dealing with it - I'm so much improved over how I used to be.)

Before a trip I find myself concerned about coming home.  (My favorite place to be.)  I enjoy getting away.  I enjoy seeing other parts of this wonderful world, sampling the beauty (and yes, the food) native to areas other than my own. Besides - it's good for me.

But I'll catch myself thinking:  better wait until I get home to stock up on - whatever it is - I might not come home and then the money would be wasted.  I might go down in a plane crash.  Do the kids know where our wills are?  Will they fight over things - or will they like each other and get along?  Should I label the gifts I've been working on for some friends, so the kids will know who to give them to?  Will they know where to look for the little bits of money I've secretly stashed in private places?

Traveling is out of my comfort zone.  It's a big world out there.  It makes me nervous.  Some psychologist would probably have a field day analyzing this weird silliness of mine.  I've always (in my head) applauded those who travel with ease and aplomb. Not an ability I share.

But there it is.  Basically:  I'm a wee bit scared.  Between now and the time I arrive back home I'll stew and fret - hopefully mostly in my mind - about the safety of our travel, about the weather, about the kids at home, about the cost, about pretty much everything.

The upside:  I'll be with The Husband, my very favorite person in the world.  I know he'll do his best to keep me safe.  Unfortunately a lot of that will be out of his control.

Please wish me "Bon Voyage" and more importantly:  "Return Safe!"  (And, Kids,  the embroidery is for Joan.)

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