
So, I'm sitting at the 4-way stop today (the city powers that be haven't yet figured out that 2 lanes in each direction feeding a 4-way stop isn't an effective use of the 4-way stop) and caused some amusement in the lady on the street to the right of me when I involuntarily placed my hands in my cheeks.  (I think I could almost/not quite hear her actual laughter.) In reaction to the lady coming directly at me through the stop sign (it wasn't her turn) at the same time the two cars that had the right of way entered the intersection.  They all missed each other by inches.  And I nearly 'lost it' in fright as I could mentally see them all colliding and sliding into me!!

Today I picked up a new spatula to replace the one I broke.  This is the front of it:

You can see the business end of the spatula is covered in plastic wrap.  Also see the "safe to 450 degrees" notation.

Now the reverse side:

It still amuses me that apparently common sense isn't so very common.

And my favorite amusement of the day - these words I heard:  "I couldn't pick a favorite book.  I wouldn't want the rest of them to feel bad!"  My sentiments exactly.

And what better way to start the week than with some laughter.  It's good for my heart.

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