
I was chatting with a good friend the other day.  He simply stated he is his family's cheerleader.  Matter of fact-ly stated.  Straight faced.  But... I sensed some real emotion behind his facade.

In truth, he is the cheerleader.  He is the sounding board, the financial advisor (and money lender), the manual labor for all things needing manual labor (i.e. moving, fixing things, cleaning up things, building things and pretty much anything else that needs the brute squad) the mood booster, the hug dispenser, the joke teller, the purveyor of wisdom, the spiritual mentor (this is not a comprehensive list.) In short: the cheerleader.  The Dad/Father/Grandpa/Husband/Friend.

I imagine that must be a heavy load at times.  He, himself, doesn't have anyone like that, only his wife.  No living father, or uncles or life-long friends.  Just himself.  He's expected to be around when needed but to not need anything himself.  A paragon of unselfishness.

I consider him one of those un-sung heroes.  He does his best, aside from the fact that his efforts are usually more than most people would expend.  He doesn't rock the boat, just carries on.  And when someone calls he pretty well leaps over the moon to help.

I'm sure there are other family cheerleaders out there.  Others whose efforts go unremarked.  I think I should find some friends and figure out how to cheer him on. He surely deserves it.  Hip-hip-hooray!! Hip-hip-hooray!!

I wonder if chocolate would help?

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