
I continue to be privately amused at the conversations I overhear between small children and their mothers at the grocery.  Today's comment was by a young'un (about 5) who told her mother things went so much better when they worked as a team.  (I can just picture the original lesson where she learned this....perhaps picking up toys?)

Was so pleased at the "at-a-boy" The Husband received via a third party.  I hope that third party understands how important it is to receive kind words said about yourself when you're not there to hear them.  Kudos to him for his thoughtful relaying of those words.

As I was heading out this morning I expressed to Heavenly Father in my prayer my desire to travel the freeways safe from accident and windshield rock chips.  (We spent some time on Saturday having one fixed on The Husband's car.)  What an instant answer I had as I ended up (both directions) spending a fair amount of my trek down the freeway traveling at an average of 5 mph.  Indeed, an unequivocal answer.

I've been ticking off in my mind things to be grateful for - amidst the "doom and gloom" that is so prevalent on the news.  So it was with interest I read this quote this morning:  "The sun will not rise or set without my notice and thanks." - Winslow Homer  Yes:  thanks for not only the beauty of the passing of the sun through the heavens, but also the knowledge that tomorrow is another chance to get things right.

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