Yet Another Tree

Yesterday morning The Husband accompanied me on my walk.  I've missed being out on the trail this week with so much going on - my route is about 5.25 miles and takes a bit of time.  Walking it is a luxury that I don't always allow myself.

It was such fun to have my best friend along.  I don't recall that we talked much of anything particular, just walked along, enjoyed the sunrise and the crisp morning air and lavished a bit of time and attention on each other.  He is such a good sport and ever the optimist, even though he had a somewhat emotionally wrenching day ahead of him saying goodbye to the chapter that encompassed the last five and a half years of our lives.

I snapped several shots of this tree.  We both noticed it about the same time.  Without its leaves the framework is a pretty sight all on its own.  It wasn't easy to find a shot that captured the beauty of the tree without also capturing the surrounding fences and houses.  I do seem to take a lot of pictures of trees.  They have all been particularly eye-catching this year.

Here's hoping the framework that holds together my soul also has its own special beauty to discern.  And that someone cares enough to look hard enough to discern it.

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