Truth Is Often Stranger Than Fiction

And today we had an example of that.

Since we now have a good spot for a garden, The Husband has been immersed in planning it out.  He likes the raised bed gardening and after some research settled on vinyl fencing parts.

Alas, the particular pieces he wants to use have been elusive.  He's looked everywhere.  Every time we enter an establishment that sells vinyl fencing he has to thoroughly inventory the selection to see if they have what he wants.

Today we entered our friendly Home Depot.  Behold -  a cart sitting in the middle of the aisle with exactly the pieces he needs.  Inquiring, we were informed of this situation:  Some unknown persons brought these vinyl fencing pieces in to this Home Depot, with Home Depot tags on them, attempting to return the pieces for cash.  When revealed as a scammer (Home Depot doesn't carry those particular pieces of vinyl, they are not in their inventory at all) the scammer left the vinyl and the store.

Home Depot is now faced with having to somehow handle this stuff it can't sell because there isn't any way to mark it for sale, account for it in inventory, or even figure out how to charge for it.  It is finally slated to be chopped up and thrown away.

After some negotiation, and a voluntary phone call to a supervisor, we ended up taking this whole stack of vinyl pieces/parts home for free!!!  (Of course, Home Depot came out ahead because we spent $23 renting one of their trucks to transport the vinyl to our home, but that wasn't part of the agenda when we were offered the fencing for free.)

What are the odds of us walking in to the Home Depot on the very day that the vinyl we needed was there?  Seriously, that kind of thing pretty much never happens to us.

In light of the fact that we're still trying to wrap our heads around the grim-ness of yesterday we choose to look at this as one of those "tender mercies" that on occasion come our way.  To lift us, to encourage us, to encircle us in hope.  It does happen, though not often.  And usually at the very most important time.

Tonight my thoughts include those of gratitude for tender mercies.

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