Men and Women

I've been thinking a lot lately about the differences between men and women.  The ones beyond the obvious physical ones.

When The Husband and his former company parted ways he was keenly aware of the need to find new employment - of his responsibility to provide for our little family.  He's always been good that way.  And, generally, most men that I'm aware of accept that as part of their charge through this life - to provide for / protect / care for the women around them.

Women get frustrated when things don't work or break or have issues.  Men as a matter-of-course just handle things and go forward.

I've just been wondering if guys ever get tired of being the "go-to" person.  The snow remover / tv fixer / flat-tire changer / retriever of all things too high / the work-for-money-so-we-can-eat-nose-to-the-grindstone worker / general handyman / frozen pipe thaw-er / run to my rescue person - and so on.  (This is by no means a comprehensive list.)

I know I sometimes feel weary of figuring out what to fix for meals / dusting (yeah, like I do very much of that) / laundry / vacuuming / child transporting / schedule keeping - and so on.  (Again, not intended to be a comprehensive list.)

I came to terms with my responsibilities a long time ago.  And, in fact, am predominately happy to do them.  The family and what they mean to me are s-o-o very worth any puny efforts on my part to make their lives richer, more fun or meaningful.

Still, though, I wonder.  Do the guys get to the point where it isn't worth it anymore?  I guess I might know the answer if the usual cheerful response to a "crisis" is missing and the smile somewhat dim.  I guess it is up to me to make sure I don't abuse the always-anxious-to-help temperament of those males around me.  (I try to not be a helpless, witless female. Sometimes it is unavoidable.)  And I need to work on my positive reinforcement.

I am grateful for those differences in the genders - life is more fun with some contrast, or even some rough edges that make us think /act with more consideration.  How dull it would be if we all excelled at the same things.  No one would need anything and independence would take place of interaction. And how delightful that interaction can be.

Now: about that thing that needs fixing.....

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