Too Much and It's Only Noon!

Tried for the very first time to send a picture to The Husband via text.  Didn't work.  (Decided later it was because I sent it to the wrong number.  Too many numbers, too many gadgets, too much technology!)

My iPod was acting up on my walk this morning - playing random songs not on the selected playlist.  When I came home I tried to charge it while I was on the computer.  It was "connected, eject before disconnecting."  But it didn't show up on iTunes and it wouldn't eject from the desktop.  Finally just unplugged it and it was frozen.  The Husband's favorite phrase about stuff like this when it happens is:  it just got confused.  Yeah, sure.

Then my computer "got confused" and wouldn't respond.  Thankfully nothing was running - browser, iTunes, whatever.  So I shut it down and restarted.  So far, so good.  I think.

Best quote for me today:  "Look on technology as a blessing.  It usually works and when it does it is wonderful.  When it doesn't it is frustrating.  But we are so far ahead of where we were 25 years ago."

Perhaps it is all just too much for my still cold-befuddled brain to ever get on top of.  Maybe the Luddites are on to something....

Poo that doesn't smell - YAY!
I decided to seize the day and walk on the trail (hoping the cold would clear my sinuses).  The trail goes past a horse boarding / school site.  This is a pile of horse poo that varies in size over the course of a year but right now is about 15 ft high by 20 feet wide by about 45 feet long (counted my steps).'s gratitude (I needed to find something to be grateful for this morning):  for whatever reason, could be the weather or my cold or the wind - I actually couldn't smell that pile of poo this morning.  Sometimes it is enough to make my eyes water and my breath catch.  This morning I couldn't smell a thing.  Yes, that is reason enough to be grateful today.

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