
Smell Fabulous!
This time of year finds me wandering the yard, the block, the city and wherever I roam looking for signs that the plants are awakening from their winter's sleep.  I fuss and bother over trees and shrubs that aren't yet showing any "greening."
Made It Through The Winter

The forsythia bushes have been in full bloom for a couple weeks, and the many globe willows that line the trail where I walk are now crowned with green.

These fun little daffodils (so wishing I could remember what kind they are) are the fragrant ones that were hiding under all those leaves I labored to remove.  So happy that we didn't miss their bloom. (How do you smell a daffodil that you don't want to cut?  You get down on your hands and knees and poke your nose in them.  Quite the mental picture!)

We planted this hawthorne tree a few days before my Mom passed away.  I always associate it with her.  So happy to see the teensy leaves opening their little faces to the sun.  Can't wait for the flowers. (Won't be long before I  head to Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival.  Want to come with me?)

I've heard it said that the earth laughs in flowers.   I only  know flowers make me happy.

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