Music To Me

This quote was on today's page of my calendar.  Perhaps I've posted this quote before, but I really like it.

I've been thinking about music a lot and its different forms and how it enriches my life.  I would be bereft without my piano (even though I got a bit burned out from church choir and am s-l-o-w-l-y returning to its embrace). I have spent a small fortune (thank you gift cards) on iTunes for my iPod. And I even have a country music station on my car radio.

The last few days I've been particularly aware of the music of the birds in our area.  These are only a few whose sounds have touched my ears:

Scrub Jay
Baby goose (following its owner around her yard) - it squeaks really cute

This is by no means a comprehensive list - I know there were birds whose songs I don't know enough to identify.  How uplifting to my spirits to hear their lovely morning greetings.

Today's gratitude:  for Heavenly Father's love showered on us in the form of music.  I sing praise to Him.

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