
I've long had several goals - things I'd like to do.  Not fond of the popular "bucket list" - that's not my thing.  Just have several things in the back of my mind I'd like to do.

Quilt my Grandma made for me.
My Grandmother made each one of her granddaughters a beautiful quilt.  Mine has been much used and much loved.  One thing I've hoped to do is a cross-stitch for each of my granddaughters.  (A big hurdle is finding just the right pattern.) Awhile ago I stumbled on this pattern which just called out the name of one of my granddaughters.

Turned out pretty nice.
Today she received it for her birthday.  I practically held my breath as she opened it, anticipating her reaction.  I think she liked it.  I surely hope so.

Determined once again that hugs from my grandchilluns are the very best.  Every single one of them gives the very best hugs.  I could never get enough of them.

Loved this word from my granddaughter that she says she uses instead of confused:  confuddled.  My newest favorite.  I shall be using this one again. (Wasn't awfully surprised to find it in the dictionary - means just what it sounds like - a merging of confused and befuddled.)

I've a few other goals in mind.  Things I want to make, things I'd like to learn.  Maybe goal isn't the right word.  Perhaps intention is more apt.  I really intend to do these things, but if I don't, I don't want to be disappointed in myself like I might if it is official.  Stating something as a goal makes it official.  The main thing is to not be stagnant.  Hope to always be strivinglearninggrowingblossoming.  Life is more fun that way.

(And somewhere along the way I need to figure out how to take better pictures with my phone, or even get a more suitable camera.  I've taken more pictures since having this smart phone than I've ever taken in my life.  So I should at least learn to do them with competence.)

Tonight's gratitude:  for bikes with air aplenty in their tires and mornings just perfect for riding them.

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