
I've often stated I'm not fond of my name.  It isn't feminine, or pretty.  It's just a couple flat syllables that I answer to.

Lately I've felt like I've found the one thing I should have been named:  Idiot.  It seems like just the perfect fit.

I feel like an Idiot when I:

• Speak before thinking -  making me thoughtless, inconsiderate and even unkind.

• Do stupid stuff - myriads of things too numerous to mention.  Face-planting on the front porch just one example. Burning food another.  Breaking things - yet another.....

• Disappoint people.

• Get disappointed by people.  I try to be accommodating.  Often it backfires leaving me uneasy, unhappy and frustrated. It isn't my place to judge.

• Embarrass myself (see bullet point #2).

Today's idiocy:  I cut my finger.  (Me + Kitchen + Knife = Danger.)  Resulting in a super-ginormous flap of skin on my left index finger - too thin to stitch, deep enough to bleed and hurt.  Next stop:  the store for some of those bandaids-just-for-fingertips, also some unexpired antibiotic ointment.

Had the cut bandaged so tight it is invisible!  OW!
The Husband's reaction (after first giving me first aid for both the finger and my heart) was to ask me if I am going to still be able to play the piano.  He does seem to like the music I can make given the appropriate instrument and a bit of printed music.

Today's gratitude:  That I only cut this itty bitty piece of skin off the tip-edge of my finger and not the whole fingertip.  Plunking those ivories might then be difficult.

And another gratitude:  that I have never felt the need to dress for impact.  Saw a 20-something gal walking into the store.  Double layer black tank tops sans brassiere, black hot-hot (super short) pants, black patterned stockings stretching to just above the knee(leaving her thighs bare) and chunky heeled black boots.  (She kinda looked like a sideways skunk - all that black with her white thighs a horizontal slash through the middle.) Each to his/her own, not really trying to be critical, just seriously really grateful I never had the need to make that kind of a statement.  I'll take my conservative old-lady capris and sandals with socks any day.

1 comment:

  1. LOL (on the 'skunk' comment)!

    Keep writing! I love it!
