
Just a few things rattling around in my head this morning:

Our red hollyhocks are blooming!
Girding myself to face a Saturday alone.  The Husband works pretty hard.  Saturday is the absolute only day we ever have to just do what we like, and even those "likes" are sandwiched in between some "have-tos".  Our ward's Youth Conference started on Thursday night.  I've had a taste of what it must be like married to a bishop as he's been gone Thursday evening, Friday evening and today from 7 a.m. through about 10 tonight.

I don't begrudge his time spent serving others.  I just have a heart that's yearning for our time together.  Indeed, it is a rarity for him to have to be gone on Saturday.  I'm grateful for all those weekend days we do get to spend together.  Still, I am lonesome for him.

Had another public restroom encounter with a toddler yesterday.  He was most anxious to show me his big green balloon.  I asked him what color it was (odd question, I know, it's just what came out when I opened my mouth).  His answer - red! -
elicited a brief giggle from both his Mom and me.  Cuteness.

First thing this morning was texted the news of the death of a friend.  (His wife shares my same first name and her birthday is the day after mine.  We've sort of bonded.) He was only in his mid-70's.  Hard way to start out a day.  My heart hurts for his wife.

August is my least favorite month of the year.  July my second least favorite.  It's that heat thing.  This year June will rival August and July.  Yesterday's high was 104. Those triple digit temps are predicted for the next week.  And we're in a drought as well.  Sigh....

Today's gratitude:  for air conditioning that works.  In the house, in the car, in most public places.  How did the pioneers ever survive without it?

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