Surely Monday Morning

An undercurrent of my mental conversations lately has been the theme of "respect" or esteem of other people.  I know we're counseled not to judge.  (And that takes my mental meanderings in a whole different direction...) There is however, a certain amount of judgement that must take place as we learn and live and try to align our souls-hearts with the will our of Heavenly Father.  And allow other people the choice to progress on their own without our intervention or demands that they fit their actions / personality to suit our plan for them.  (That requirement is what The Husband calls "Plan B"- or force.)

I have found myself losing respect for people.  People in general and also specific.  My esteem of them erodes when I see behavior that is incongruous with their professed philosophy.  I have even disabled my FaceBook account because of the chasm I see between the pictures posted (and language used) and the "Sunday persona".

The continuation of the thought process requires that I then examine my own behavior and professed standards.  Are they in alignment?  Definitely not 100%.  I try, sometimes failing and sometimes succeeding.  Hopefully succeeding more often than not.  Were I as charitable as I'd like to be, I could easily dimiss others' foibles as their own steps on the progression path.  (And quick as I think it I realize there is yet another of my difficulties to work on.  Being more charitable.)  I guess the bottom line of all this thinking is that I should try to live so that other people will respect me.  That their esteem of me doesn't plummet when they see me in an unfamiliar setting - or heaven forbid, when I'm driving.

I don't think my brain is yet finished with this subject, but perhaps by putting it down in writing, my thoughts will dwell a little less on it for awhile.  I'm ready for mental conversations with myself on other subjects.

Holding hands...
Monday morning has already brought:  dropped yogurt (on the floor and on the front of me) difficulties with my attire, a non-delivered newspaper, an unsatisfying conversation with the newspaper office (followed by me on my knees repenting of my rudeness) and listening to The Husband on the phone making phone call after phone call trying to track down something for the grow boxes.  Each time he hangs up from a call I wait for it.  Then... The Sigh.  Poor guy.

I have noticed that same older couple on the trail lately.  (This morning they had added a friend to accompany them on their walk.) Always, always holding hands like the connection completes the circle for the sustenance of their life.  I understand the feeling.

Today's gratitude:  for a few people who accept me as I am and don't try to improve me to meet their standards.  And for The Husband's willingness to always hold my hand.

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