
I miss it when I can't get out in the morning - either on the trail for walking, biking or walking a different route through the city.  I had conflicts last Thursday and Friday.  Then again yesterday morning.  Tomorrow and Friday are work holidays for The Husband so I'm not sure what will happen then.

This old body of mine doesn't like it when I miss out on that early morning exercise routine.  (And I swear it helps to keep my mind working better.)

Maybe a good apple year, unless I've misidentified the tree.
So, I enjoyed my morning walk today.  Ran into that older couple going.  Then coming, she was by herself.  I chatted with her a minute, she said her husband likes to go a bit further than she does, but that he'd be catching up to her pretty quick.  And sure enough, along about 10 minutes later, there he was speed shuffling along.  (Actually, neither one of them shuffles, they're quite spry.)

I find myself filled with hope when I look at the trees lining the trail.  So many of them are fruit trees of one kind or another.  When I see the teensy fruit growing, getting larger all the time it gives me hope for the future.  At least this season those trees will have lots of pears and apples and peaches.  Somehow it refreshes my faith in the future.

Giving myself pep talks for the weekend.  Playing for the funeral on Saturday, substituting on the organ for Sunday and then my usual primary responsibilities have me on edge a bit.  I never want to disappoint anyone - particularly Heavenly Father - as I attempt to bring the Spirit into the meetings.  So I prepare...and practice...and practice...and practice some more.  Perhaps those angels who help me will be primed and ready to guide my fingers to the proper notes.  They have in the past.  I'm counting on them again.

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