
Holidays are difficult for me.  There's always this unspoken hope for a picture-perfect-Norman-Rockwell kind of day.  And even though I call myself a pessimist, and don't expect much, there's still always that unquenched longing.

The Husband and I knew early on it would just be the two of us.  We've mostly lived off by ourselves, away from family - so not much opportunity for family parties. I never learned to throw a family party - and I don't really have that kind of creative makeup that allows me to be successful at that kind of thing.

Now that the children are grown, there are grandchildren and extended family members...things can be complicated.  I love getting together even though I'm not great at activities/games/meals/etc.

When I was a kid we'd go to see my grandparents who had most of their adult children living near and it was a non-stop-merry-go-round of activities.  We were townies who loved seeing what life was like in rural areas. (That was on my Mom's side.)  What a revelation to be given a nickel or a dime and be able to walk to the corner market and come out with what felt like grundles of candy.  It was grand fun.  (My Dad had siblings, nieces and nephews I never met; not much interaction with his side of the family.)  Admittedly, times were different then.  Simpler in a lot of ways.  I have fond memories.

I often wish I had known better how to have holidays and family get-togethers.  I watch other families push everything aside to spend time with each other and know a sense of envy (yes, I am aware that envy is a sin) - and disappointment in myself that I wasn't better at that mothering thing.  Holidays could be so different if I had been...more/better. (Also makes me wonder what it will be like in heaven, if I ever get there.)

This pretty little orchid probably is less than an inch long.  So fun to see it blooming again.  The other orchids are slowly beginning to fade.  One of them has lost two blooms.  I sorely dislike seeing them go, there is nothing quite like fresh flowers in a house.

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