
Revisiting an old subject:  that of listening.  IMO listening is a sadly declining skill.  Under appreciated/utilized/practiced.  But totally crucial to successful relationships.

In the last couple days I've been aware of several instances where not listening has caused issues. Feelings can be hurt, misunderstandings can occur and frustrations abound (when the speaker has to repeat because of poor listening/listeners).

Reluctantly allowed myself to be dragged off to a dinner last night.  11 people around one big long table at a restaurant.  (there nearly were 14 people there.  Though we missed those who couldn't come, I was secretly grateful there weren't more attending.  I'm s-o-o not good in crowds.)  Aside from the fact that it was difficult to hear (not to be confused with not paying attention) I found myself being a bad listener.

Some souls just like the sound of their own voice repeating the sound track from their mind.  Some people (droning on and on deleted because I was bored with the sound of my thoughts as I proofread what I'd preached) are just not interested in other people.

Good Morning Caw Caw!!
I found myself pretending (and mostly trying) to listen to a woman go on at length about her opinion, while at the same time trying to stretch my ear clear over to the other side to hear what was being said by the others.  Bad, bad listening practice.  Successful?  Not in the least.

So, I really need to work on that listening thing.  And being patient with those who don't listen or work on listening.  Sigh.

Rarely do I see a crow around here.  This one greeted me this morning - felt like it actually called out to me as I headed toward it on the trail.  As soon as I snapped this shot  - it was gone, flying off into the clouds.  Fun way to greet the morning.

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