Post Birthday Reflections

I enjoyed the laid back pace of the day.

I enjoyed hearing from all four of my children and even some of my grandchilluns.  Texted greetings = fun!

This purse is w-a-y out of my league.
I received several gift cards to Corner Bakery - a true favorite of mine.  Won't have to worry about going hungry for a while.

While I don't consider myself an attention hog, sometimes it feels good for people to remember you and focus a couple minutes of their attention on you.

Received, serendipitously, tickets to the concert of the MoTab and James Taylor.  What a fabulous evening.  I so loved it all - great seats, great music and super-great companion.

I've fattened up with superb brownies, bread pudding (not usually a fan, but loved this stuff) baclava, cookies, cookie bites (from Sweet Tooth Fairy), ice cream, fresh tastebuds are jumping up and down crying "yippee! yippee! yippee!!"

And while I'm not usually a big fan of name brands, I'm so loving this new bag of mine.  I'd been looking for a new purse, (and for only a teensy bit more money) was gifted this one of outstanding quality.  My first (and most likely my last) Dooney & Bourke bag.  (A friend told me she thinks every woman should have at least one Dooney in their life.  I like it.) I'm outclassed by my purse!

1 comment:

  1. ok. I missed your birthday! rats! sorry I am late. I think I said that last year too! Happy late Birthday. Congratulations on your new purse! hugs! lowana
