Wednesday Mental Meanderings

Started a new book last night - an author I've read a lot since discovering her roughly 10 years ago.  I've liked some of her books better than others.  This time around I've found her writing to be almost lyrical and am enjoying it.

This little passage was particularly lovely, I thought:  " How odd, isn't it, that in the end, life comes to surviving more than living.  But these things I do, this melody of an ordinary day, keep the hours in order.  I have lived my way into this music, note by note, and now I know no other."

I've felt a little of that lately, like I'm mostly just singing an ordinary song each day, keeping the hours in order.  I often say I'd like a little boring when what I really mean is I'd like an absence of crisis/calamity/commotion.  We've had a bit of that lately with the only commotion caused by the usual accumulation of annoyances that crop up in daily life.  Sort of the dissonance in a lovely melody.
The beauty of a new day.

I must learn to enjoy this brief hiatus - as life generally goes, it won't last long and we'll be in the thick of it again.  It will all come out right in the end.  Because (as he said in the movie) if it isn't all right, it isn't the end.

Today's gratitude:  for a sweet soul who answered the call of kindness and brought us some fresh-baked yummy cookies....and a smile.

And since I find it hard to look at this blog without a picture, I'll include one of the sunrise yesterday morning.  Sunrises never fail to lighten my heart.

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