Totally Tuesday

Fresh, juicy peaches to tempt my tastebuds!
Totally loved my morning walk - 70 degrees, breezy, not many people on the trail....

Totally felt strange heading into the grocery - which I did on the way home from trail excursion:  not showered, hair blown and not yet shampooed, in my exercise togs.  Totally out of my comfort zone.

Totally loved finishing a book I've been working on for a couple days.  Just in time to loan The Husband before it's due.  Just in time to get to the three other new releases in my stack.  What a luxury to have some fun stuff to read whenever I want.

Totally loved my morning fruit portion:  fresh peaches from a neighbor's backyard peach tree.  She's supplied us enough for smoothies and to fill our bellies with all the fresh peaches we can tolerate. Scrumptious!

Totally felt lacking in the Gramma/Grampa department:  our grandson's birthday was Saturday and we still haven't called him.  (We were, however, on time with the gift. Yay for me!)

Totally loved it when it got dark and it was jammie time.

Today's gratitude:  for people around that remind me to not stress over....(whatever it is I'm stressing over).  It really isn't worth it.

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