Inside My Head

I must be living too much inside my head right now.  Seems like I'm brimming over with words just begging to be said.

Tiffany logo is even on the actual glasses.
Watched an episode of a TV show that has left me conflicted - as is often the case with TV these days.  I so lament the direction so many of the shows have taken:  the language, the situations, the violence/sex that is so pervasive.  I'll get involved in a story arc then along will come an episode that is so uncomfortable I'm inclined to give up the show.  It makes me sad.

Had a bit of a chuckle with The Husband. I guess at 60+ I'm not really young anymore in spite of how I mentally feel.  It appears that things are reversing:  things that are supposed to be thick are thin (for example: hair) and things that are meant to be thin are thick (such as our waistlines).  I'm hoping my mental capacity doesn't also take a turn for the wrong

Answered a call first thing this morning - my new glasses were ready!  After a couple trips to fine-tune the fit, I'm ready to try them out for a while.  I had chosen the frames that appealed to me the most. Serendipitously:  they're made by Tiffany and Co.  Yes, that Tiffany and Co.  Even their glasses frames are presented with class and style.  How fun for me!  (Love, love, love that blue!)

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