
I've been thinking about this word a lot lately.  True.  It's a word I hear a lot.  Something is true, no kidding.  True and faithful.  Good and true.  Straight and true.  One place I looked for a definition - the very first word used to define true was my favorite word:  steadfast.  Also:  honest, loyal, genuine, without deviation.  I like the concept.  I especially like the adjective form - like true friend, true character, true cost.

I decided I want to be true.  It will require earnest effort.  But definitely worth it.

It's been a strange week.  Feels like I think that a lot lately.  I tend to like routine.  Up to a point.  Then I'm ready for something different/ fun.  Too much of that and I'm ready for routine again.  I'm nothing if not contradictory.  Does true contradiction work?? Hmm..

This year's fall has been phenomenal!  Generally our fall is (maybe) two weeks - max.  We did have a rainy, cooler spell.  But we've been back to temperatures in the 60's.  Sunshine.  Amazing colors dress the trees and shrubs.  The grass is still green.  Heavenly Father must surely love us to have created this unbelievable world for us.

They're still picking apples from this lovely tree.
Happy Halloween.
And while I've made no secret of the fact that I pretty much abhor Halloween (and most things associated with it) I ran across a very cute decoration this morning.  One wouldn't have to cut the propane tank, it could just as easily be painted.  I'll bet this cut one is fun at night with a light in it. I like it.

(An aside:  someday maybe I'll learn how to snap a picture with my phone that is in focus. I'm generally taking pictures early in the morning; that early morning light makes it harder to snap-on-the-fly and have the right thing be in focus.  It's a tricky process. Might take me a while to master.)

Today's gratitude:  for haircut day that means a stop at Bake 360 for a kouign amann.  For a gift card to pay for the kouign amann.  For friends that drop off fresh banana bread (sans nuts - YAY!).  For plenty of warm water in my shower.  For hope (in all its forms).

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