Stand by....

All systems are not go.   

Had the guy out yesterday checking out the furnaces.  Downstairs he told The Husband things were looking just fine.  Upstairs with me, he's telling me they need to be replaced.  (I often think these guys just generally look at the age of whatever appliance and say it's time to replace - just because.) Said it wasn't quite time to red-tag them - which I hadn't heard of but that apparently means it is unsafe to operate.  But strongly urged us to replace them as soon as we can.  They also seem to think you can't replace a furnace without also replacing the air conditioner.  Which I am absolutely not prepared to do.  But whatever.

Headed out this morning for a hair cut.  Came home to shower and noticed how cold the bedroom and bathroom were.  Yup, you guessed it. The furnace isn't working.  And of course it's friday of a holiday week.  They'll send someone out this afternoon to hopefully get us going through the weekend.  But Monday is another holiday when no one works.  Tuesday is the day the insurance inspection comes, which has us all atwitter with anxiety.  So Wednesday they'll come out to give us an estimate on new furnaces and I imagine by the end of next week we'll have a couple new ones.  

I may have mentioned to The Husband that I'm a bit overwhelmed.  Nothing is straightforward or simple. And it's a lot.  To handle, to work through, to pay for - it is a lot. 

And now? 

It took the guy four hours yesterday, but we had heat by dinner time.  The first guy had apparently not done his job properly.  Things are working fine now, and we're grateful again for people who know their craft and can do what we cannot do for ourselves.  We didn't have to pay for the second visit, or the part.  Yay for us.

Today's air quality was supposed to be ugly.  Isn't near as bad as predicted.  We may end up going for a short walk at some point.  Or we might not.

The storehouse was slow-ish.  We had several long periods of time where there were no shoppers.  But we still managed to stock the shelves plenty.  One of the other missionaries told us of the couple he just finished helping.  They were here to get their turkey and other things for Christmas dinner.  They were supposed to come in on the 23rd for their food order.  They didn't have a car.  And apparently no one to help them.  And that is the very saddest part of it all to me:  that they're so alone no one thought to check on them, or offer to drive them or help in any way.  Somewhere along the line, the system (or society or the Church or whatever) has failed them.  For someone to be so alone and lacking food on one of the most important-to-the-world holidays is just wrong.  And heartbreaking.

I'm so grateful that I've had The Husband to face the world (and life) with.  We've done a lot of holidays and family occasions with only ourselves and our children.  Hasn't always been optimal and perhaps not what we would have chosen, but at least we've had each other. 

Gearing ourselves up for the inspection on Tuesday for our homeowner's insurance.  It's got us kind of rattled, it's hard having people all up in our stuff, feeling judged and not knowing what to expect.  Or how it will all play out.  But we'll manage.  One way or another, with Heavenly Father's help.  

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