Fun Friday

Walked with the rising sun this morning.  Quiet on the trail.  That's always pretty enjoyable for me.

The Husband had the day off work - comp day for all the extra (insanely intense and long) hours he's worked over the last couple months.  He chose to pare down some of the stuff  in the storage room.  We ended up taking four ginormous boxes of stuff to D. I.  Feels good to have some of the stuff gone. Would feel better to have even more of the stuff gone.  (Insert big smile here!)

Best smile ever!
Speaking of smiles - ran across The Husband smiling for the camera at about 8 or 9 years old.  I'd recognize that smile anywhere!  Especially that fabulous dimple on his right cheek.  Was so enamored I had to take a picture of the picture with my phone/camera so I'd always have it with me.  Too cute!

Ran over to 7-11 for The Husband to fill his drink cup - a rare luxury.  He remarked that it was silly to drive all the way over there (yeah, it's like 2 miles) just for a diet pepsi (yeah, it's a vice that he enjoys).  I decided that there should always be room in life for some silliness.

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