Our Next Vacation

The usual reward from the dentist.
Next time, I'd like to try to figure out a way to take a vacation here at home.  One with my own shower, and my own bed and my own "stuff" around, minus the computers, work, chores, obligations - anything that doesn't feel like a vacation.  I've tried in the past to do that but somehow it never works out.  A project for the future.

I went with a fair amount of trepidation to the dentist for my semi-annual cleaning/check-up.  I've had a tooth that has been sensitive to cold.  Not sweet.  Just cold.  After a close scrutiny of both the x-rays and my actual mouth the verdict:  no cavities!  YAY for me! He says it appears to be just a sensitivity, gave me some instructions and sent me on my way with a grin.  (The grin was on both our faces!) No dental work for me again this time.  Whew!  Even though I know and like the man, visiting the dentist is always a painful experience for me.  I'd rather avoid him.

Spent some time at Costco.  Haven't been to Costco in a while.  Thus, my list was long.  And the receipt even longer since I succumbed to the temptations of good deals. Truly, though, I only came home with 2 small indulgences.  Ran into a friend and had a brief chat as the hordes of shoppers swirled around us.  Hard to carry on a conversation that way.

Still thinking about that older guy we saw from the car while we were driving in FL.  He was speeding down the sidewalk in his Jazzy-style cart.  Nothing really unusual about that.  What caught our attention and caused us some consternation/laughter:  he was pulling a small trailer.  Carrying what we presumed was his wife, standing there on the trailer like she was riding a Segway.  Really?  I'm still bemused by the whole thing; first of all that he would do such a thing and secondly that she would actually participate.

Today's gratitude:  it's difficult to refine those feelings so they'll fit into my ramblings here.  For good health.  For the wherewithal to stock our larders full.  For comfy clothes and socks to keep my tootsies warm.  And for no cavities!

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