Tuesday That Feels Strange

Started off the morning with my walk.  How good it feels to get back into that routine.  Didn't particularly enjoy, though, the girl who flipped me off when she nearly drove into me because she was so determined to get out into traffic fast. (I was in the crosswalk and also had the right of way.  She was just w-a-y too anxious - at the risk and peril of whatever pedestrian was around.)  I'm still puzzled at people who think that's appropriate or even acceptable behavior.

A heretofore unseen sight in the church parking lot.
To brunch with some friends.  I fear I talked their ears right off.  Even looked for them (their ears) on the floor as we left the eatery.  (Still feeling a pang of disappointment in myself - saw a friend and I didn't - though I should have - invited her to sit with us.)

The apple cart has been upset.  We are not going to the kids' for Thanksgiving.  The Husband has been requested to speak at the funeral.  The time frame was too problematic.  Lucky for me I - on a whim - picked up a turkey last week.  Today saw me at the grocery for the rest of the goodies needed to fill our table though it won't be the full traditional feast.  Just a smaller one better suited for our smaller group.

Still smiling in my head at the young lady who out-of-the-blue told me how much she liked my Tiffany glasses.  She'd tried to get some herself but they were too small for her face.  I guess that's a rare benefit of having the teeny head that I do. How nice of her to voice the compliment.

Thinking there should be some sort of cosmic law that prevents mail from recently departed loved ones arriving in our box.  A thank you from our friend arrived today.  Made my shoulders (and my heart) just slump.

Wondering if I'll ever get the Christmas spirit this year.  Seems doubtful at this point.  Don't have a single idea of what to get anyone.  Not sure I even want to.  Everyone we gift has such abundance already it feels near impossible to find something meaningful.

Wowed myself by managing to return from vacation not a single pound heavier in spite of all the eating we did.  (Was disgustedly wowed by the sight of my body in the pictures The Husband took.  How he can love this fatness is a mystery.) Alas, the wowing has departed.  Stepped on the scales to a fresh, new, higher number.  :-(

Tonight's gratitude:  for comfy shoes.  And a husband who doesn't mind body-abundance.

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