Feels Good

I so love the morning shadows on the pristine snow.
It definitely feels good today -

To have eaten quite healthy for a couple days in a row (Mongolian BBQ is a favorite!).

To have most of Christmas done, some wrapped and the rest not causing too much stress in my mind.

To have been to lunch two days in a row with friends and another lunch with friends tomorrow.

To have the house a bit warmer.  (Decided to not be quite such a scrooge with the heat.  My bank account won't be quite so happy, but The Husband will be.)

To have shared a hug with a couple friends who are dear.  We've weathered 23+ years together.  They get more dear with each passing year. (I appreciate their patience and tolerance.)

To have texting/email/voicemail/phone-calls at my fingertips to keep in touch with The Husband while he is gone.  I've missed him so very much.

To feel continued determination to prove to Heavenly Father I am worth all the blessings he sends in such abundance.  I hope I succeed in this continuing endeavor.

Today's gratitude:  For sweetness found in every day.

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