
Breathing deep in the beautiful morning air.
Woke this morning to snow covered lawns, bright blue skies and (wait for it....) fresh clean air!  Was so excited I had to step out the back and capture the lovely vista.

Bought a couple chairs.  Didn't plan to, although I've been looking off and on for over 6 months.  The Husband asked me if I was happy with them.  Told him I wasn't thrilled, but that they would do, especially considering the price.  I don't expect them to last forever, but they will complete the living room since our last chair in there was given away (after the funeral of our former home teacher in June).

I've managed to clean a couple cupboards over the last couple days.  Been itching to tidy and toss. Can't even express how it feels to open those particular cupboards and feel the less-is-more-aura.  And there's even hope included in this particular task - there are lots of cupboards, drawers, boxes and the storage room waiting.  Not even a chance I'll run out of places to purge.

I can't recall laughing every day since the 1st.  I meant to.  I shall have to be more diligent in seeking things to give me joy.

Did chuckle, though, at the furniture store.  Walking between the sofas and chairs, we heard a salesman ask another guy if he was looking for something specific.  The reply:  I'm looking for my wife.  Yup, you probably had to be there, but it struck both The Husband and I the same way at the same time. I'm sure he heard our quiet giggles.

Have been invited to accompany another sister when she sings in church in a couple weeks.  Sadly, I neglected to ask her if her voice coach is the same one as the previous two.  Perhaps I'll be fortunate and the music will be something quite lovely.

Tried the chicken pot pie soup at Corner Bakery for lunch.  Still so love those eatery gift cards:  feels like a double gift - once when I receive the card and then again when I get a meal for free!

Today's gratitude:  for clean air.

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