It's Thursday Already?

Funny how a Monday holiday upsets the cosmic balance of things.

It's a pretty valley, even when it's cloudy.
Took advantage of calm winds this morning (after finding refuge in the air conditioning yesterday - it's been a slightly debilitating allergy season) to head out on the trail on my bike.  The hills still seem like work, and the downgrades are still fun - nothing's changed there.  Managed to make it all the way out, and up all the hills, without having to get off and walk my bike.  Even though the day started out gray and overcast we are all now soaking in the lovely sun.  That's ok as long as it doesn't get too hot!

Apparently I'm now involved in a Single Adult fireside on Sunday evening.  We'll see how that goes.

And I learned a few things about driving while I was out today.  (And no, they're not real things, just things people do because-they-want-to-not-because-it's-right.)
1.  Turn signals / blinkers are totally optional.  Even though you've known for 12 blocks when you're going to turn, there's no sense letting the whole world know your intentions.  There's such a thing as privacy after all.

2.  Left-turn arrows don't mean anything.  Even when you're honked at from the long line of cars behind you also waiting to turn left.  It's perfectly acceptable to sit and hold back the left-turners until the light turns yellow and then go.  That way only you get to go through the light and the rest all have to wait through another cycle.

3.  Four way stops mean that it's just fine to sit there, not even looking at the road, and not take your turn.  Cars behind you? No problem.  Just sit.  Pretty soon it is really a 3/way stop with no one giving any heed to the person refusing to go through the intersection.  This one might be a long time becoming the norm.

4.  The person waiting at a stop sign must yield the right of way to those who don't have any such sign.  (That part is really true!)  Now it seems the new rule is that it's ok to just stop in the middle of the street (remember that right of way thing?  Just toss that concept right out the window) and wait for the person at the stop sign to go in front of you.  Be mindful, though, that your stopping in the middle of the street doesn't cause some unsuspecting driver to rear-end you - because after all, if a car is in the middle of the street the expectation is that it is going to be moving.

And all of this occurred within about a mile of travel.

And just going to go on the record here about a couple of my personal attitudes:

1.  I dislike talking on the phone.  And pretty much refuse to do it when driving.

2.  Our local Costco is insanity.  Haven't been there in months without coming out totally frazzled - too many people, too much stuff....  What on earth are they all buying?  Decided I don't want one of their blue "Buy In Bulk, Sandy Costco" t-shirts.  I can live without that particular item.

3.  It is often work to be cheerful.  But that work can turn into a self-fulfilling cheerfulness.

4.  The Husband often recites this philosophy:  "It is always good to be generous."  (or a frequent variation:  "we can afford to be generous.")  Does this mean it's ok to be generous with my impatience?  My grumpiness?  I was pretty generous with both of those when I was driving earlier.  Hmmm,  better re-think this.

Today I'm grateful for insurance that pays for routine preventive care such as mammograms.  I'd find it difficult to go in for that painful process if I had to pay out of pocket for it.  I want to be healthy for whatever time I have left on this earth.  Healthy, productive, generous, unselfish, good natured...working on it.  Every single day.

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