Mid-Way Through The Week - -

Along the trail.
And three quarters of the way through The Husband's time out of town.  I've tried to keep busy, I can feel myself sinking into sadness when I have too much free time.  Working pretty well this time, I've managed to fill the days.

Monday I spent the entire day out - only had a few hours alone at home.  That's good, keeps me from feeling too lonesome.  Yesterday I was out for the middle part of the day and spent some hours stitching and reading.  It felt good.  Today I went to lunch with some friends / my visiting teachers.  We spent a couple hours just chatting and enjoying each other.  Delightful time, delightful friends, decent food.  I actually splurged and had a chocolate malt.  Haven't had one of those in ages and ages.  My body might regret the calories and sugar.  My spirits were in heaven.
A new place in town.

We've all seen those people standing on curbs or sidewalks shaking signs.  Anything from pizza to tax preparations to boutiques to "bay open" oil changes.  If I hadn't had a couple women in the car and several cars waiting for me to get out of their way I'd have taken a picture of a wiggling sign.  Not held by any human, but shaking out in the air by mechanical means.  It cracks me up just thinking of it. Must have been my mood but I sure found it funny.

Tried to watch a granddaughter open her birthday gift via video.  Hard as they tried, I only saw 44 seconds, barely enough to get the mailing box open on the end.  Still, she's texted that she loves it.  It was worth every minute (and there were many) I spent on it.

And at my age, I'm still opening my mouth only to fill it with my ginormous foot.  I repent every day it seems of something I've said that came out wrong, or sounded (unintentionally) pointed, or thoughtless or hurtful.  Will I ever master this?  Even when I think first, I often say the wrong thing.

Today, and for the last several days, my heart has been grateful for all the ways we communicate.  (Aside from the aforementioned foot-in-mouth affliction I have.) The Husband and I have e-mailed, texted, phoned (last time we did video chats), posted on Google+  and messaged pictures.  (I'm done with Instagram and refuse to Twitter.) I remember in the early days of our marriage if we were separated by distance we'd risk a short long distance phone call once a day.  Distance doesn't seem so far and I don't feel quite so alone when we're in constant touch.  A good thing about today's connectedness.

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